Let's talk Credit Score.
How to repair your credit score?
1. Make your payments on time
2. Pay attention to your credit cards first
3. Avoid going to court
4. Don’t be brave by taking on to much debt
5. Keep your credit limits high and your due amounts low
6. Close unused credit accounts
7. Keep cre

Let's talk Credit Score. How to repair your credit score? 1. Make your payments on time 2. Pay attention to your credit cards first 3. Avoid going to court 4. Don’t be brave by taking on to much debt, manage and stricter budgeting 5. Keep your credit limits high and your due amounts low 6. Close unused credit accounts 7. Keep credit enquiries to a minimum 8. Don’t through your debts from one card to another. 9. Avoid using revolving credit accounts 10. No credit history can be bad for you

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