One’s home is a place where one wishes to feel physically and psychologically safe. One’s home also offers one of the best opportunities for expressing one’s identity and uniqueness. It is a place where life is lived and memories are made.

As our needs and wants change over time, we often bring about changes or improvements to make us feel more comfortable.

While it shouldn’t be one’s only goal to be guided by what a next buyer may prefer, it does make sense to take the type of home improvements that will stand you in good stead in the long term, into consideration.

Globally and locally, the following types of improvements still seem to yield the most value once you reach the point of considering selling:

Home improvements essentially centre on keeping things plain and simple or as they say: ‘’less is more’’. By ensuring that your home improvements are fairly generic, conform to principles of elegance and quality, the best value will ultimately be added. This enables you to, instead, express yourself through colourful accessories and furniture that reflect your interests and souvenirs. In this way, when you finally have to prepare your house for sale, mere staging would be required to meet prospective buyers’ needs and to ensure a good return on investment.